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Personality Disorder - Best Psychiatry in Kanpur

9 Classic symptoms of borderline Personality Disorder -
Dr Tarun Nigam Best Psychiatrist in Kanpur well explained the personality Disorder how it goes from bottom to top. how that leads you to the Depression. Try to understand these problem because it is associated with your brain.

1. Frantic Efforts to Avoid Abandonment- 

Though many people experience fears of being abandoned, the intensity of this fear can sometimes make life difficult if you live with BPD. In her piece, “How Fear of Abandonment Affects the Other Symptoms of My Borderline Personality Disorder,” Mighty contributor Katie Kent describes how this symptom can manifest for many with BPD.

2. “Splitting” -
Splitting or “black and white thinking,” is a particular struggle for many people with borderline personality disorder. Mighty contributor Sarah Cooper described what it feels like for her in her piece, “The Symptom of BPD That Makes My World Black and White.”

3. Unstable Self-Image- 
unstable self-image can mean different things to different people struggling with BPD. For some, it may mean having a distorted or devalued self-image informed by prior trauma. For others, it may mean living with the constant question, Who am I? For others, it may mean something else still.

4. Impulsive Behaviors- 
Sometimes behaviors that present outwardly can be indicative of something going on much deeper psychologically. This can definitely be the case for impulsive behaviors. 

5. Suicidal Behavior or Self-Harm- 
All light-hearted humor aside, suicidal behaviors and self-harm can be serious and debilitating symptom for many people with borderline personality disorder.

6. Periods of Emotional Intensity
This symptom is perhaps why borderline personality disorder can be confused for bipolar disorder. But the cycles of emotions people with BPD face are often a lot quicker than the cycles characteristic of bipolar.

7. Chronic Feelings of Emptiness-
Feeling empty is something many people experience in life at some point. But for many with BPD, this is a chronic feeling and may result in constantly searching for something to fill the void.

8. Intense or Uncontrollable Anger- 
Though not all people who have BPD experience uncontrollable anger, or what some call, “borderline rage,” it is a symptom some experience. But while it’s easy to focus on the anger itself, we can often ignore the guilt someone with BPD may feel after an anger episode.

9. Dissociation
Dissociation is different for every person who experiences it. Some may feel it physically, and others may experience “emotional dissociation.” all the problems leads you to the depression Depression Doctor in Kanpur 

If you are suffering from stress level anxiety then you should seek help. But then where should you go? How to know what type of doctor to talk to? Do you look for a psychiatrist or a psychologist? book your appointment today Best Psychiatrist in Kanpur and share your thoughts.


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