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TRANSGENDERISM--Best Psychiatrist in Kanpur

Being transgender is a mental illness:--

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“Transgender people are mentally ill.” “Being trans is a mental disorder.” How many times have you heard some variation of these claims? 

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It’s hardly a rare opinion: according to a 2017 poll, 21% of Americans believe that being trans is a mental illness. 

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From the slush pile of online comments sections to the organized transphobia of Paul McHugh,

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 Walt HeyerMichelle Cretellathe American College of Pediatriciansthe Family Research Council, and the Witherspoon Institute, this accusatory labeling of transgender identity as a “mental disorder” is one of the most well-worn arguments against recognizing and affirming our genders. 

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Typically, the extended form of this claim is argued as 
“Being transgender is a mental disorder – after all, it’s listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

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“Therefore, a person whose gender identity is at odds with their assigned sex should receive psychological

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 therapy focusing on aligning their self-perceived gender with their body, rather than medical treatment to adjust their body to their gender.”

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I am sure this gonna help you to come out from depression and i would recommend consult your Doctor.


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