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Negative energy appears all around. There is no positive thinking anywhere, like the time the mind is in search of peace and the knee keeps inside. When this situation reaches the peak, then man starts to feel useless and can gradually be reached in the human being's depression. Due to anxiety and stress, many hormones (LEVEL) of the hormone increase in the body, in which adrenine (adrenion) and cartisol (cortisol) are dominant. Depression in the situation of constant stress (tension) and anxiety (TNSIN) means that change in change.


At the time of the depression, the person feels that nothing in his life gonna change, and that person considers his defeat in all the circumstances. So let's know how you can get rid out of negative thoughts and reduce depression.

Know the cause of depression - 
Sometimes we don't know have idea why we behaving like this. we really get agitate on the smallest things which is not even considerable. If you really want to resolve the depression, try to know the cause of the depression. After that, you can write it down. Think again what is the solution to this problem? If enabled, start acting as soon as possible. Don't think about the problem-
In this plan or strategy, the person withdraws his attention from the situation or the problem and tries to keep himself busy in other work. It also discourages thinking about the problem that gives peace to the person.
Leave the Future behind-
"What will happen tomorrow" causes problems, so always be in the present because today is the ground reality and try to improve it. Do it in right way to correct yourself. Every day and every moment teaches us some good, bad, new things and teaches us how to deal with it.
Some people start screaming loudly to overcome frustration, stress, etc. due to defeat. This is the best way to overcome stressful situations or excruciating situations. I as Psychologists also consider screaming in a stressful situation as a good technique.
Try to listen good and fast music -
To overcome stress or pressure, there is a good technique or plan that the person should listen to songs. This reduces the stress and the person feels refreshed
Let the emotions come out-
In everyday life, one can come under stress due to any problem, in such a way, this method or device is very useful that the person interacts with other people such as friends, brother, sister, etc., It gets lighter and the tension gets reduced because the emotions emanate in his mind
Do not eat intoxicants-
Often, people use alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. to reduce stress, which, for some time, they get away from that situation but gradually they become a serious addiction that creates a new tension. So people should stay away from it.
Learn the art of laugh-
Laughter reduces stress levels and our muscles get relief. This increases the feel factor and increases the amount of endarman hormones and makes us feel relaxed.
 Get rid of loneliness-
Loneliness is one of the biggest causes of depression. If a person suffers from depression in your family, then spend time with them as much as possible. Often, the idea of ​​suicides in the people is more often in depression, so spend time with the person as much as possible.

I am sure this gonna help you to come out from depression and i would recommend consult your Doctor.

Thank You
Dr. Tarun Nigam


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