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Being transgender is a mental illness:

“Transgender people are mentally ill.” “Being trans is a mental disorder.” How many times have you heard some variation of these claims? 

It’s hardly a rare opinion: according to a 2017 poll, 21% of Americans believe that being trans is a mental illness. 
From the slush pile of online comments sections to the organized transphobia of Paul McHughWalt HeyerMichelle Cretellathe American College of Pediatriciansthe Family Research Council, and the Witherspoon Institute, this accusatory labeling of transgender identity as a “mental disorder” is one of the most well-worn arguments against recognizing and affirming our genders. 
Typically, the extended form of this claim is argued as 
“Being transgender is a mental disorder – after all, it’s listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).
“Therefore, a person whose gender identity is at odds with their assigned sex should receive psychological therapy focusing on aligning their self-perceived gender with their body, rather than medical treatment to adjust their body to their gender.”

I am sure this gonna help you to come out from depression and i would recommend consult your Doctor.


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